A quartz infrared portable heater by Heat Smart is a smart investment in avoiding winter's bite while saving money on your heating bills.
Infrared heat is the latest technology in localized heating. Most infrared heaters utilize quartz infrared heating elements to generate infrared heat. Unlike many space heaters, a quartz infrared portable heater generates heat from the infrared wavelength, which is a less intense heat that penetrates directly into the objects and people in your home, keeping the heat where you need it most. So, when you properly heat those cold zones you can turn your furnace down and start reducing your heating costs. Also, when you own a quartz infrared portable heater from Heat Smart there is no expensive fuel to buy and refill.
The Victory quartz infrared portable heater from Heat Smart features a patented convection heat chamber that uses infrared heat like a convection oven in a two step process that makes the heater more efficient even when compared to other quartz powered infrared heaters. The Victory, as well as the Star XL model, comes standard with six quartz Gold Standard™ infrared elements. These elements are built superior through a painstaking process giving them a minimum life of 20,000 hours.
Infrared heaters with quartz elements are safe. When you purchase a quartz infrared portable heater from Heat Smart, you cast rest easy knowing that every unit comes standard with an automatic shut off switch along with an additional back up switch, or breaker depending on model, that shut off the unit in case of restricted air flow, overheating or tipping. Every quartz infrared portable heater from Heat Smart has a protective felt coating on the grill ? so it?s safe to the touch. Unlike most of competition who often use wood composites or worse, plastic, we use real solid Tennessee Ash wood for our cabinets that retain the heat in the unit and blends seamlessly into any home environment.
Winter is here. There is no better time to stay warm and start saving with a quartz infrared portable heater from Heat Smart. Call us now at 877-432-8481 or
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